
1998  Volume 30 

Types and Application of Tungsten Wire タングステン線の種類と用途
Kenjiro HIRAKOBA, Yoshio KUMAMOTO, Yuji ITO, Koji FUJII 平木場懸事郎、藤井浩二、伊東祐爾、熊本洋雄
Key words doped tungsten, dopant bubble, Sag Resistance Characteristic, Blackening Resistance Characteristic, incandescent lamp, halogen gas lamp, electronic-tube heater, sputtering-coil, discharge electrode, resistance to erosion and oxidation, copying machine, electric dust collector
キーワード ドープタングステン、ドープ孔、耐垂下性、耐黒化性、白熱電球、ハロゲンランプ、真空管ヒーター、蒸着用コイル、放電電極、耐食・耐酸化性、複写機、集塵機


There are three types of tungsten wires ( B ,BH ,and E lots)in general use, using in applications such as high-wattage incandescent lamps,double-coiled incandescent lamps,electronic tube heaters and sputtering coils. There are also two types of tungsten wire for special applications (B701 and B584 lots),including halogen gas lamps and shockproof lamps. These wire products are of high quality and have been rated highly by the industry. In addition to these two groups, wires with surface treatments (such as oxidized tungsten wire, gold-plated tungsten wire)are used for discharge in copying machines and electric dust collectors. In this way, a wide variety of tungsten wire products and specifications have been developed for various applications.
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