
2003  Volume 35 

Mechanical properties of high-purity, high-strength porous alumina ceramics 高純度・高強度多孔質アルミナセラミックスの諸特性
Toshikazu YASUKOCHI, Masanobu TAKASU, Mitsuyoshi NAGANO, Shigeya SAKAGUCHI 安河内利一、高巣正信、永野光芳、坂口 茂也
Key words alumina porous ceramics, high-purity, high-strength, vacuuming ability
キーワード 多孔質アルミナセラミックス、高純度、高強度、真空吸着能力


Porous ceramics have been applied mainly to filters and catalyst carriers. However, these porous ceramics have some difficulties in applying to the parts of semiconductor production process due to its low strength and large pore. Since porous ceramics with large pores tend to hold and release many impurities, it is required to eliminate large pores and retain fine pores. The purpose of our study is to improve mechanical properties and vacuuming ability of high-purity alumina porous ceramics and we developed high-purity alumina porous ceramics with fine pores by a normal sintering process.
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