Nippon Tungusten Review

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2016  Volume 40 

Controlling Mechanical Properties of Ultra-fine WC-10%Co Cemented Carbides for Precision Molds
Key words Hardness, transverse rupture strength, fracture toughness, inhibitor, grain growth


Mechanical properties of ultra-fine cemented carbides for precision molds are affected by VC and Cr3C2 which are added to as grain-growth inhibitors. Therefore, the addition effects of VC and Cr3C2 on ultra-fine WC-10%Co cemented carbides were investigated. It was confirmed that on the basis of hardness, the grain growth-inhibiting effect score of Cr3C2 is 0.38 with a score of 1 representing VC. We also confirmed the influence of Cr3C2 on the transverse rupture strength and the fracture toughness is smaller than that of VC.

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