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Nippon Tungsten Group Human Rights Policy

We, the Nippon Tungsten Group (the "Group"), are committed to "creating a bright future for our employees and for people around the world" in our management philosophy. Through the Basic Plan for Sustainability Management that we have formulated, we will work to create new value that starts with materials and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and a bright future for the people of the world and the future children who have yet to be born.
The fundamental basis of all business activities of the Group is the respect for the human rights of all individuals associated with our Group, including customers and employees.
We hereby establish the Tungsten Group Human Rights Policy (the "Policy") to promote our efforts in respecting human rights.

1. Positioning of Human Rights Policy

The Group has established this Policy to clarify its commitment to "respect for human rights" as stated in the Nippon Tungsten Compliance Manual of Corporate Behavior, a guideline for establishing and practicing high corporate ethics based on our management philosophy.

2. Respect and Compliance with International Standards, etc.

The Group respects international human rights standards, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and promotes respect for human rights in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations (UN).
The Group complies with the laws and regulations applicable in each country or region in which it operates. In cases where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will pursue ways to maximize respect for international standards regarding human rights.

3. Scope of Application

The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group (all employees, including directors, regular employees, and contract employees). In addition, the Group will continue to encourage its business partners and suppliers to support the Policy and adopt a similar policy, in order to work together to promote respect for human rights.

4. Human Rights Due Diligence

The Group will work to establish a system to identify, assess, and prevent or mitigate negative impacts and risks to human rights through its business activities and supply chain.

5. Relief Measures, etc.

If it becomes clear that the Group has caused or been involved in any negative impact related to human rights, we will respond appropriately and work towards addressing and to remedy the situation.

6. Dialogue with Stakeholders

With regard to respect for human rights, the Group will strive to improve and enhance its efforts through dialogue with labor unions, suppliers, outside experts, and other stakeholders.


  • TEL +81-942-50-0053 / FAX +81-942-50-0054
Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd.
2-8, Minoshima 1-chome, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8538 Japan
Phone TEL +81-942-50-0053 / FAX +81-942-50-0054
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