
2001  Volume 33 

Effects of Mixed Amounts of Mo on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Mo-TiC Sintered Hard Alloy Ti-Mo-TiC 硬質焼結材料の組織と機械的特性に及ぼすMo添加量の影響
K.Tokumoto, T.Kitada, H.Shinoaki, S.Sakaguchi 徳本啓、北田哲則、東明広宣、坂口茂也
Key words Ti-Mo-TiC sintered hard alloy, effect of mixed amounts of Mo, microstructure, mechanical property, corrosion resistance
キーワード Ti-Mo-TiC硬質焼結材料,Mo添加量の影響,組織,機械的性質,耐食性


Ti-Mo-47.4vol%TiC alloys were prepared through P/M technology and their microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated as a function of the mixed amounts of Mo. Ti-(2.6vol%-16.4vol%)Mo-TiC alloys had higher relative density values than 97%. Ti-TiC alloy has TiC phase, α-Ti phase and β-Ti phase, while Ti-(2.6vol%-27.0vol%)Mo-TiC alloys have TiC phase and β-Ti phase. The contents of TiC phase in alloy were increased compared with the amounts of mixed TiC, while they were decreased with the increase of the mixed amounts of Mo. Mean diameter of TiC grains in the alloys is increased with the increase of sintering temperature, while it is decreased remarkably with the increase of mixed amounts of Mo. Hardness and transverse-rupture strength of these alloys were slightly affected by mixed amounts of Mo. Corrosion resistance of Ti-(2.6vol%-8.5vol%)Mo-TiC alloys were thought to be excellent. It was concluded that Ti-(2.6vol%-8.5vol%)Mo-47.4vol%TiC alloys have better combination of hardness, transverse-rupture strength and corrosion resistance than those of other alloys.
粉末冶金法によりTi-Mo-47.4vol%TiC合金を作製し、その組織と機械的性質をMo添加量との関係で調べた。 Ti-(2.6vol%-16.4vol%)Mo-TiC合金は97%以上の相対密度になった。Ti-TiC 合金はTiC相、α-Ti相、β-Ti相からなり、一方 Ti-(2.6vol%-27.0vol%)Mo-TiC合金は TiC相、β-Ti相からなる。TiC相は添加した量よりも増加するが、その増加量はMo添加量が増すと減少した. TiC 平均粒径は焼結温度の増加とともに増加するが,Mo添加量の増加とともに著しく減少する。これら合金の硬さと抗折力はMoの添加量にはあまり影響されなかった。Ti-(2.6vol%-8.5vol%)Mo-TiC合金の耐食性は優れると考えられた。 Ti-(2.6vol%-8.5vol%)Mo-47.4vol%TiC 合金は、硬さ、抗折力、耐食性の組み合わせが他の合金より優れると結論された。
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