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1999  Volume 31 

Mechanical Properties and Cutting Performance of Al2O3 Based
Shinzo MITOMI Ryuichi SAKAMOTO Mituyoshi NAGANO Kouichi NIIHARA*)
*) Oosaka University
Key words Al2O3, WC, Ti(CN), Composite, WIN, Ceramic, Cutting tool, Wear resistance , Mechanical properties


Recenty, there are remarkable subjects of cutting tool improvement, because of the less machinability due to the higher mechanical prooerties of industrial metal products. In last report of this material, mechanical properties and cutting performances of alumina based ceramic composite added various carbides, nitrides, and then. According to this result, the new cutting tool "WIN"have been deveroped and commerciarized which was essensially consisit of Al2O3WC and Ti(CN) ceramics.
"WIN"has shown the high ressistance to chipping wear occurred by short of toughness, each component crystallines were recognized to be binded tightly and minutely at each grain boundaries.
And then, "WIN"has shown the cutting performance for workpiece to cut not enough at practical cutting commercially, more than conventional tools previouslly applied.
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